Exercise Page 284
- Line 15 of the exercise on Page 284 has the word सन्. This is the Present Active Participle in masculine 1/1 of the verb अस् ('be'), which can be translated as 'being'.
- The second-last line of the exercise on Page 284 has the word असमाप्य. This is the negative of the gerund समाप्य ('having attained'), which can be translated as 'not having attained'. The negative prefix 'अ' can be added to nouns to form negative compounds, as well as to gerunds and participles.
- The first line of the exercise on Page 285 has the word बभूवुः. This is the Perfect Tense III/+ form of the verb भू ('be'), which can be translated as 'were'. The perfect tense forms of भू are irregular, and can be found in a table on Page 662.
Directional Adjectives
Directional adjectives are formed by adding prefixes (such as प्र, अव, etc.) to the suffix -अञ्च्. Some examples include:
- प्र + अञ्च् = प्राञ्च् ('forward, eastern')
- प्रति + अञ्च् = प्रत्यञ्च् ('backward, inward, western')
- अव + अञ्च् = अवाञ्च् ('downward, southern')
- उद् + अञ्च् = उदञ्च् ('upward, northern')
- पर + अञ्च् = पराञ्च् ('outward')
- नि + अञ्च् = न्यञ्च् ('downward')
- Most directional adjectives have two variants: the original ('strong') stem for all suffixes in red, and with the letter ञ् removed ('weak') for all remaining suffixes. For example प्राञ्च is प्राञ्चम् in 2/1 and प्राचा in 3/1.
- Adjectives formed with a prefix ending in इ (प्रत्यञ्च् and न्यञ्च्) have three variants: the original ('strong') stem for all suffixes in red, the letter ञ् removed ('middle') for all suffixes in blue, and अञ्च् becoming इच् for all suffixes in green. For example प्रत्यञ्च् is प्रत्यञ्चम् in 2/1, प्रत्यग्भ्याम् in 3/2, and प्रतीचा in 3/1.
- Feminine stems are formed by adding ई to the weak stem variant. For example, प्राञ्च् becomes प्राची, and प्रत्यञ्च् becomes प्रतीची. This feminine stem declines like नदी.
Directional adjectives are not used very commonly in Sanskrit, but it is worth being able to recognize the variations of their stems so that they can be looked up when encountered.