Exercise Page 296
- Line 12 of the exercise on Page 296 begins with the word सहाश्व. This is a 'सह-बहुव्रीहि' compound meaning 'one with horse' or 'along with the horse'. This type of compound is more frequently formed beginning with स, not सह (e.g. साश्व, not सहाश्व), but either form is possible.
- The second-last line of the exercise on Page 297 has the word अधिगत्य (in sandhi with न to form नाधिगत्य). This is the gerund of अधि-गम् ('reach'). In this book, this type of gerund has been formed more often as अधिगम्य, आगम्य, etc. but the forms अधिगत्य, आगत्य, etc. are also possible.
-ऋ Nouns
There are two types of nouns in Sanskrit that end in ऋ: 'doer' nouns, and relationship nouns. Doer nouns are formed by adding the suffix -तृ/इतृ to a verbal root. For example दा ('give') + तृ = दातृ ('giver').
TIP: A 'doer' noun can easily be formed from the infinitive of a verb by replacing उम् with ऋ. For example, the infinitive of गम् ('go') is गन्तुम्, so गन्तृ means 'goer'. Similarly the infinitive of लभ् ('gain') is लब्धुम् so लब्धृ means 'gainer'.
The feminine of a doer noun is formed by adding ई, which causes the ऋ to be come र् by sandhi, e.g. दातृ + ई = दात्री. This noun declines like नदी.
The feminine of a doer noun is formed by adding ई, which causes the ऋ to be come र् by sandhi, e.g. दातृ + ई = दात्री. This noun declines like नदी.
The declination table for masculine doer nouns is given on Pages 293-294. The tables for masculine and feminine relationship nouns are on Page 295. The two types of nouns are different only in the first two cases.